Osmosis CBD could help with menstrual cramps

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Are you part of the 84% of women who have experienced any of the discomforts before or during the menstrual period? Well if your answer is “Yes” this article will help you improve your quality of life.

Those who have suffered the discomforts of the period will know what we are talking about: pain or cramps in the pelvic area, abdominal and lower back, feeling tired, mood swings and irritability, among others.

And what does OSMOSIS CBD have to do with menstruation?

The natural characteristics of cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabis derivatives have been proven as anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents for pain, anxiety and stress reduction, free radical release, antioxidant, sleep improvement, among others.

Several studies have revealed the effectiveness of CBD in reducing menstrual pain. For example, in Australia, a survey was conducted with endometriosis and 7.6/10 women reported high effectiveness in reducing pain.

To better understand the relationship between CBD and the female reproductive system, it is important to understand the function of the Endocannabinoid System. This system is responsible for balancing metabolic processes and optimizing the function of our body (homeostasis).

On the other hand, menstruation occurs in the body of women of childbearing age. The ovaries produce hormones that cause inflammation of the uterus due to an increase in the lining cells. The period occurs when these tissues along with the blood are removed from the uterus.

The female reproductive tract (especially the uterus) has many endocannabinoid CB1 receptors and CB2 receptors are abundant in and around the bowel area, so CBD can be effective in regulating both inflammation and providing muscle relaxation in the pelvic area.

When CBD and the reproductive system come into contact, it acts in the activation and stimulation of the concentration of endocannabinoid neurotransmitters and the therapeutic effect of CBD begins.

Another of the main complaints of women during the period is the difficulty in falling asleep. CBD extracts are very effective in this area. Thanks to the different analyses and studies carried out around the world, the effectiveness of CBD has been verified to improve anxiety control and, therefore, to improve rest during the night.

Which Osmosis product is right for me?

Not only CBD is used to control menstrual cramps, there are also different types of natural extracts that are combined to generate a faster and more effective effect. This is the great advantage of Osmosis products.

Spiced Canela 500 mg:

Refreshing oil formulation enhances the antioxidant properties of CBD, along with the nutritional benefits of ginger and turmeric.

Moon Garden 2000 mg

La potente formulación rica en antioxidantes con ingredientes naturales como aceite de soya, aguacate, Mirceno, Linalol, lavanda, laurel, manzanilla, Vitamina E, durazno y limón + 2000 mg de CBD crean una única combinación para las personas que buscan nutrientes para facilitar el descanso corporal.

Sativa Mint

Made with 100% natural compounds, the recipe contains the active component CBD, scientifically recognized for its antioxidant and regenerative action.

It has been found that, in symbiosis with Juanilama, Calendula and Arnica, the ingredients stimulate the synthesis of collagen and essential oils to beautify the skin. Therefore, the blend with 1500 mg of CBD is a true solution to moisturize, protect the body and skin, nourishing it with beneficial oils.

Recommended products

Spiced Canela

500 mg of CBD – 30 ml

Naranja Krush

250 mg of CBD – 30 ml

Garden Breeze

250 mg of CBD – 30 ml

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