Dark Chocolate Tablet 70% Cocoa, with Himalayan Salt and Hemp Extract (CBD)


The union of two ancestral crops: cocoa and hemp blend perfectly with Himalayan Salt to create the unique flavor of this artisanal chocolate.

CBD concentration:

100 mg CBD

Total amount

35 g
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THC free

Organic CBD


USDA Organic

Made in Costa Rica

Why CBD chocolate?

During the study of cannabinoid receptors in the body, scientists discovered what they call “the bliss molecule,” also known as anandamide. These receptors are found throughout the body and have a great influence on health, appetite, happiness, and personal motivation.

When we decided to mix cacao with CBD, we are looking to activate the receptors so that anandamide levels increase. Therefore, we seek the purest quality of chocolate, to enhance the effects of both ingredients.

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